Posted on December 2, 2022.

Posted on December 2, 2022.
Getting your little one into a good bath time routine is a wonderful way to end the day for you and your baby. During their first few weeks, most babies don’t require daily baths as they stay relatively clean. But as they get older – and messier! – you may find yourself bathing your baby every day. Bathtime can be the soothing first step in your baby’s bedtime routine and Original Sprout has a range of products to make sure it runs smoothly.
One of the best tips for a happy bath time is to make sure that your baby is in a good mood. Try to avoid bathing your baby when they’re hungry or over-tired. You should also give their tummy time to settle if they’ve just eaten. Sometimes it’s unavoidable, but happy babies are far more likely to embrace the bubbles.
Bath your baby wherever feels most comfortable to you. When they’re tiny, you may feel like using a baby bath, or a sink with a non-stick mat. Foam and fabric supports are available to keep your baby’s head out of the water, and once they’re sitting up independently, you can switch to a bath seat.
To make bathtime run more smoothly for you and your baby, it’s best to make sure you have everything to hand before you begin. We like to pack everything together in a dedicated caddy to avoid a frantic rush every evening. You’ll need something gentle to wash away the day’s grubbiness – we recommend our soothing Hair and Body Baby Wash.
Small babies can lose heat very quickly, so five minutes in the water is plenty in the early days. Have a soft warm towel ready to wrap them up in afterwards and gently pat dry, paying special attention to all of the creases of the neck, arms, legs, bottom and between fingers and toes as they can get sore if not dried.
Our Scrumptious Baby Cream can be applied after bath time to restore essential moisture and protect the skin. It contains extracts of calendula and rosemary, making it naturally soothing for sensitive skin. You can pick up both of these products in the handy Baby’s First Bath gift pack with a useful cradle cap comb as well.
With all the best intentions and routines in place, some babies are just not big fans of bath time. As they get older, you can use bath toys and games as a distraction. Even very young children can appreciate some background noise. Talk to your baby during bathtime, and use gentle sounds and movements to reassure them that everything is going to be ok.
We hope these tips help to make bath time easier and more enjoyable for the whole family.